19 December 2018, Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh PA
The sun is shining, it’s dry outside, and the temp is cold but not frigid. I am a happy lady.
As usual, I’m starting the month late. Finally posted the previous blog a week ago! But I have been busy, as you will see.
I started the month in Minneapolis, a sojourn before flying to Poland for my semi-annual board meeting. December 1 found me at Stages Theater in Hopkins MN with my nephew Craig’s son Alijah, now 5. it was a gala fundraiser for the theater, a production of Mary Poppins that I thought Alijah might enjoy and a chance to see Chase and Ella, friends Darryn and Kim’s kids, perform. One of the things I miss about being in Pgh is that I don’t get to see the kids and grandkids of friends in plays, at sports and such. Something I always enjoy.
Besides seeing the play, Alijah decorated a gingerbread person, picked out a few cookies for himself and his dad, and had a balloon sword made. I also took his picture on the set provided. And thankfully Craig had offered to be our driver — while we enjoyed the theater, several inches of very wet snow fell. Craig took the long way back to town to avoid getting stuck in freeway traffic.
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New outfit from my sister & all ready for dinner out |
That evening, nephew Christopher and his significant other Jen picked up my sister Barbara and me at her place, and we went to dinner at yet another new place in the old Forum Cafe spot (3rd or 4th iteration. Niece Tomery met us there. Despite the awful weather, it was fun to get out and celebrate my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family.
Sunday i took a Lyft to Arden Hills to meet Jodi and her family for the trek to River Falls WI — her younger daughter Lydia had a hockey game. Jodi and my late son Peter went to high school together, and she, her husband Gary and their daughters Lydia and Ada are part of my extended family. We usually bake Christmas cookies, but Lydia had a game. I’m really excited that Lydia will carry on the “girls hockey tradition” that my niece Tomery started at about her age. For good luck, I gave Lydia Peter’s old hockey jacket with all the decals and badges he’d acquired before outgrowing it. Although Lydia’s team lost by two points, she played very well, especially for someone who hasn’t been skating for long.
Dinner that night with Barbara and my oldest niece Michelle, then Barbara and I had dessert at a new spot. All within walking distance of her place. Up and out early Monday for a lake walk with friend Linda — I was dressed for frigid in fleece-lined jeans, several top layers and snow boots with toe warmers inserted. Then it was off to the airport to return the rental car, dump the suitcases and wait for my flight to Warsaw via Amsterdam. NOT.
The 3-ish flight to AMS kept being postponed. It mattered not when I arrived since I was staying overnight in Warsaw before being driven to Sandomierz. However, I didn’t want to get stuck somewhere. An extremely helpful gate agent rerouted me through Paris (Charles de Gaulle), rebooked me from there to Warsaw and arranged for the move of my bags. And it all worked perfectly. Well, except that I forgot how much I hate CDG — you walk forever in an overheated airport to an overcrowded waiting area with small, below ground cafeteria style coffee shops. My gate was changed twice with no discernible announcement. But, enough. i got to the Marriott Courtyard Airport in one piece with luggage and promptly took a nap.
Jim was to arrive at 6 am the next morning. Jim was my first project manager when the Center in Sandomierz was a USAID project that I managed. He left shortly after, and Steve took over and became a board member when we formed an independent board for the Center. Jim and I have stayed in touch over the years, and he and his wife rented my condo for a summer when they moved to MN for one of his jobs. He’s retired now, and he and Irina live in Bucharest, Romania. Anyway, after several false starts, Jim arrived at 2:30 pm, Piotr the driver arrived shortly after and off we went. Steve couldn’t make this trip — he’d recently had his gall bladder out, the same reason Jim couldn’t join us in June. I am hoping this isn’t a trend.
Thursday Jim and I went to Hala’s for lunch. Michał has had his hip replacement surgery and is doing what the doctor ordered. His pain’s reduced but he has a long way to go. After lunch, Hala dropped me at the salon for my semi-annual mani-pedi while she took Jim to the Center to introduce him to the president and other staff.
Nothing exciting at the board meeting since three members were absent although we still don’t have a candidate for president. Anna will retire in June.
Our trip back to Warsaw on Saturday was eventful. Piotr missed turns to the airport twice, but Jim got to the Courtyard. Then I was dropped at my friends Dorota and Jacek’s where I could not get the entry code to work. Finally called Dorota who came down. I had transposed two numbers. Argh!
Dorota had dill pickle soup, one of my favorites, ready for supper. And we had a good catch up. Sunday we had brunch with friend Gina at a nearby cafe that none of us had tried, Hygge. Really good food, and interesting. We will return.
In the evening, I went to see Hala’s daughter Marta and her family’s newly completed flat. Glenn and I had visited in June while it was about half done. It is gorgeous — spacious, light, simply and beautifully appointed. Perfect for the three of them … and room for company!
Back to the airport before dawn on Monday and back in Minneapolis that morning. Ah, the joy of westward travel. After friend Janet picked me up and took me “home,” I promptly fell asleep for a few hours. Dinner with my sister that night, breakfast with friend Marilou the next morning, then off to the airport again. Glenn was waiting for me when I arrived at PIT — hurray, I’m home.
On Thursday, 13 Dec., I ushered for “A Lyrical Christmas Carol” and took Glenn along as I was sure he’d enjoy, which he did. It was a rousing production with a huge cast. The actor who played Scrooge was spot-on during the play, then ditched his character for the bows. They sang the Twelve Days of Christmas as each group of actors cam back out, then at the end Scrooge did the last four stanzas in several genres, rap etc. Spectacular ending.
Friday was my annual mammogram and a bone density test. Oh goody, that was fun. NOT. But it’s done and the test results arrived today. No problems and my bones are normal. I am, however, upset that Park Nicollet hasn’t forwarded my old films to Magee-Women’s. I sent the request in mid-October!
Saturday is poured, and Glenn, Gary, Johanna and I were going to Wreaths Across America at the National Cemetery of the Alleghenies. Unfortunately, though we left early, we were in a very long, very slow moving auto queue to enter the cemetery. We never did, didn’t even get to the gate. A driver going in the other direction alerted us that no more cars were being admitted. So, we turned around and returned down the lane to brunch.
Sunday we — mostly I — wrapped Christmas presents. Glenn had decorated the tree on Friday, and it’s beautiful. An abundance of boxes and gift bags now adorn its base.
Back to Squirrel Hill on Monday and back to “normal” — Silver Sneakers’ circuit on Tuesday, water ex on Wednesday, errands, library, groceries, etc Made beef vegetable and chicken soups, two of my favorites.
20 December
Got so caught up in my current mystery novel that I skipped circuit class. Did a few things around the apartment, then decided to take the bus downtown to check out the Christmas market at Market Square by the PPG Building. The first place I saw was selling Polish pottery, Christmas ornaments, apparel and such. The market is small and was disappointing. I guess I’m a bit jaded after watching the growth of the Kraków market over decades and the huge holiday markets in Warsaw, Budapest and Vienna. Enjoyed a Chicago-style hotdog before returning to Squirrel Hill. Got caught in the rain after I stopped at the library and a coffee shop.
Tonight I decided to run a load of towels and try out the new payment app my landlord installed. Washer worked fine, not sure what happened when I started the dryer. When I returned, everything was still wet. Tried again and it seems to be working. Now to get my clean, dry towels.
21 December, Mount Pleasant
Granddaughter Emma,4, saw the pediatric surgeon this morning to schedule a procedure. She’s getting tubes in her ears in early January … or next Friday if someone cancels. Deductibles being what they are, her mom is hoping for the latter. Either way, Emma will be in fine hands at Children’s Hospital.
Got caught in the rain again. Thankfully I drove to water ex because I had hoped to hear from Glenn about breakfast with him, Jen and Emma before I left the JCC. But the best laid plans and all that. I had just made a cup of coffee at home when he called.
Traffic was atrocious at 2:30 when i left to drop off soup at friend Janet’s, then drive to MP the “back way.” Easier than backtracking to a packed freeway … but no less traffic on some of the two-lane roads I drove. Ah, well. Made it safe and sound. Let the holidays begin!
25 December, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate
In the interest of complete honesty, I don’t really like Christmas. It’s not just that Mom died the week before Christmas and Peter was diagnosed shortly after Christmas. I’ve never liked Christmas most of my life. Too much hype, too many unrealistic expectations, too much food and booze. That said, when little kids are around, Christmas can be fun. And when you unexpectedly gain grandchildren you didn’t think you’d have, Christmas can be a lot of fun.
My fun began when I arrived at Glenn’s and saw his gorgeously decorated Christmas tree. The tree we’d found was perfect and covered in keepsake ornaments and tiny colorful lights and topped with a huge angel Jen had given him. We — mostly I — wrapped the ridiculously huge amount of gifts we’d gotten, mostly for the three granddaughters. By Christmas Eve, you could barely get near the tree. We piled everything into plastic bags and off we went on Christmas Eve to Jen’s for dinner and the opening of presents. Today saw us at Michelle’s for dinner with her husband’s family … and the opening of more presents. Phew! I’m ready for bed.
31 December, New Year’s Eve
We opted not to join Inga and Craig, Benia and Paweł on the cruise they’d picked instead of Deep Creek where we’d all gone twice before to celebrate the New Year. And volunteered to babysit the granddaughters. Michelle, Seth and Sara had family plans, but Jen and Alan took us up on the offer. We picked up Emma and Callie for their first sleep over. Here we go …
1 January 2019, New Year’s Day in Mount Pleasant PA
… and both granddaughters slept all night! They were both zonked by about 8:30. Emma went to the “granddaughter bedroom” with so much as a squawk, gathered her stuffed toys and fell sound asleep. Callie was in the “pack and play” and soon followed.
25 January, Squirrel Hill
Yes, another two-month blog post. A brief summary …
On the 2nd, Glenn and I met high school friend Gene and his wife Sandy for lunch in Little Washington. Cozy local restaurant that they like and now we do too; great food. Later in the month we had a lovely afternoon playing cards at Johanns and Gary’s farm. Johanna made a delicious Mexican st’oup (stew-soup). I’m really enjoying spending time with old friends and other couples.
Emma had tubes put in her ears at Pittsburgh Children’s on the 8th. Her mom and dad, Jen and Alan, were with her, and their description of the experience reminded me of when Peter had his tonsils out at Minneapolis Children’s. Everything geared to the kid, to make her/him comfortable, allay their fears and their parents’. Whole thing took less than 30 minutes.
On Saturday that week we took Emma to see Paw Patrol Live at PPG Center. These were real people in incredible costumes to mimic the animated puppies etc. of the cartoon that Emma loves so much. And it seems lots of other kids do too. Our matinee was full despite very cold weather, and the usher said other showings were also well attended.
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Emma & Pappy at Paw Patrol |
I started two Osher courses at Carnegie Mellon — Female Sleuths and Knitting, both on Tuesdays. After my 9 am senior circuit class at the JCC, I bus to the literature class in a CMU classroom building, then walk a mile or so to the Friends Meeting House where the knitting group meets. In between, I have coffee or a light lunch. Am really enjoying both classes and meeting some new people. One of the women in the knitting group is a friend of my friend Peggy in DC — another small world story. i especially am pleased to find the knitting group. I’m using the class to put together the sweater I’m making from Jan’s yarn. We are already talking about continuing the group. I’m taking a third Osher class, Pittsburgh Women in Jazz, starting in February.
Youngest granddaughter Callie turned one on 21st, and we celebrated at Jen and Alan’s the day before. For a kid who didn’t crawl until she was 10 months old, Callie now runs everywhere. She had a wonderful time running from uncle to aunt to grandparent et al. While she didn’t dig into her cake like so many kids, she seemed to be having a great time anyway. Probably good that she doesn’t like cake so much.
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Cowgirl Callie turns one |
Oldest granddaughter Sara is prepping hard for her showmanship presentation at PaSRBA, the state rabbit breeders convention that we’ll all attend in Lebanon PA at the end of the month. For someone so young, not only does she ace the knowledge part of the presentation but she has incredible poise. I know she’ll do well there, as she did at the nationals last October.
Glenn and I both enjoyed two movies: Vice, about former Vice President Dick Cheney, and On the Basis of Sex, the film about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s first court case that start the onslaught of overturning scores of laws that discriminated against women. The latter was a good antidote to the former, but both were interesting stories, well acted and presumably close to accurate.
Friend Aideen in DC and her employer settled on dates for her trip to Ghana, so I’ll be off to our national capital in mid February, returning just in time for my sister Barbara, nephew Christopher and his girlfriend Jen to arrive for their annual Penguins hockey outing.
26 January
Got a text message from my sister saying she’d gotten a robocall asking her to help fund the president’s border wall. Obviously whoever initiated those calls just used the phone book as only Hilary Clinton is less likely than my sister to do that. Called Barbara and we had a good laugh. She was out riding her new fat tire bike ahead of the forecast arctic blast (Wednesday windchill to hit 61 below zero).
27 January
What better way to spend a cold winter Sunday than at the Warhol Museum? Glenn drove in from Mount Pleasant this morning while I was at Whole Foods picking up some last minute items for dinner. It was snowing to beat the band. He couldn’t stay over because tomorrow morning he’s taking Jen’s two to pre-school. Anyway, while I prepped dinner for cooking later, Glenn searched ancestry.com on my laptop. I’d gotten a couple of “leaf” messages. What fun that was. Most of what he found related to my dad and his family — Gramma Kanyr’s death certificate (she died of a heart attack in 1940); another spelling for her maiden name (Tomori); Daddy’s, Uncle Honey’s and others’ military records (musters, requests for post-war pay).
And we found more men with Daddy’s name than I could ever imagine. When he’d travel, Daddy used to look up our surname in local phone books. He said he never found anyone that he didn’t already know was a relative. Makes me wonder how many had phones (not uncommon in the 1940s-50s). Glenn found dozens of men with Daddy’s name and various spellings of our Hungarian surname. What caught our eye was a Steve who was in Washington state at the same time Daddy’s was mustered there toward the end of the war, and it wasn’t Daddy; that Steve was born in 1907 in now-former Jugoslavia.
Glenn also found a social security document with Daddy listed as Julius and a footnote that he was elsewhere listed as Steve. That brought back a bunch of old stories. Daddy left high school in 1933 to work in the mill but was actually too young. So he used his older brother Julius’ name and birthdate; Julius had died. When social security was implemented, Daddy was enrolled as Julius. After the war, Daddy wanted his job back: he’d gotten married and I was on the way. He took a lawyer with him to meet the mill superintendent and “fall on his sword.” I wish I could recall the super’s name as my dad’s undying gratitude was expressed every time we passed the man’s house in lower Greenock. The super agreed to give him his job back, adjust his start date and not turn him in while the lawyer helped “fix” the social security problem. My brother reminded me that Daddy started getting social security checks several years before he was eligible. On Dan’s advice, he didn’t cash them but went to the local office to return them and explain. It took a couple of visits to get it squared away.
29 January, Mount Pleasant
Much news about the polar vortex that’s descended upon many of us. Frigid here in PA but not as bad as MN. Wind chill will take temps to minus 61F tomorrow. That’s way below anything I endured while there; I think minus 35 was the worst.
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Best antidote to cold weather: Wedel hot chocolate, richest, thickest I've ever had, but alas, only available in Warsaw |
30 January
Baby, it’s cold outside and not just in the Upper Midwest. When I left Squirrel Hill, I followed my landlord’s instructions — faucets dripping, cabinet doors under sinks open, thermostat on 68-70. I’m hopeful all will be well while I’m at the state rabbit convention with Glenn, Michelle and Sara. And that we’ll be able to leave tomorrow because …
Meanwhile in Mount Pleasant, Glenn just discovered that there’s no water in the shower or bathroom sink that he uses. My sink, the toilet, kitchen and second bathroom are okay for now. He’s on the phone to Jen to find a plumber (Alan has lots of friends in the trades).
31 January
Unfortunately it’s a frozen pipe. And we can’t leave with that in case it would crack a pipe and start flooding. So, here we are in Mount Pleasant, not Lebanon PA. Glenn alerted Michelle yesterday afternoon that we might have to bail.
We cleaned out the cabinet and opened the access to the shower plumbing. Glenn had my hairdryer in the space between the shower and drywall and a new space heater aimed under the sink all night and all day today. Glenn was up all night checking to be sure nothing overheated. Midday I drove to Squirrel Hill to check on my plumbing, took a hot shower and a long nap, then returned. About 11 pm Glenn went to check and we had a steady flow into the sink. Hurray!
Preview of coming attractions
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